
buildme.sh missing?

RyanRamchandar opened this issue · 1 comments

I am attempting to run LMS in a docker container on an ARM64 device ubuntu-core 16.04 w/ 4.10 kernel. I am directed to a build.sh file which does not exists?

The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name



If you're running some unsupported Linux/Unix platform, please use the buildme.sh 
script located here:


If 7.9 is outdated by the time you read this, Replace "7.9" with the major version
You should never need to do this if you're on Windows or Mac OSX. If the installers
don't work for you, ask for help and/or report a bug.


Found it!