
New name for the Generalized Least Squares category

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Having just added quantile regression to the GLS category, I'm realizing that the category name doesn't really work that well. Quantile regression is not a least-squares method but there's not really another good place for it to go. Some of the other pages in that category are pretty tenuous too.

I think the idea behind the GLS category is linear-index models that aren't just extensions of OLS. Probably the name that would make the most sense is "generalized linear models" or at least that would make the most sense if that weren't a specific thing that wouldn't actually apply to all the methods.

"Other Linear Models"?
"Linear-in-Predictors Models" (ew)
"Other Regression Models"?
Drop the category and merge it back with OLS, retitling the whole thing "Regression Models"?
Do the HLM thing and call them Fixed Effects Models, thereby confusing everybody? :P

Drawing a blank for anything better than that. Any ideas? Updating every page that links there will be a bit of a chore so hoping to get it right!

I know it's not right, but I always call them Generalized Linear Models. :-)

While "linear-in-predictors" is ew, maybe "models with linear predictors?" Seems slightly nicer :-/

How about "Generalized Regression"?

It's not a formal statistical term, so we can use it as the sort of grab-bag we're already using it for without any part of it really being wrong.