
Lat/lon to projection: WGS84 datum required?

awickert opened this issue · 3 comments

The channel segment start/end points are in lat/lon, whereas I am using a UTM projection. I found that when I used a projection with a NAD83 datum, that the start/end points were misprojected. When I switched this to a WGS84 datum, everything was perfect. Is it true that a WGS84 datum is always required, and if so, could/should I add this to the documentation?

Hi Andy,
Yes, the lat-longs are hard coded into WGS84.
Yes, you can add that to the documentation.
I'll close this once you have added that (or if I get to it first).

I just started looking into this -- is the WGS84 hard-coding true throughout LSDTT? In that case, I'll update the core documentation and maybe make notes of it elsewhere. If not, I'll just update the floodplain/terrace docs.

Yes, the WGS84 hard coding is true throughout LSDTT.
I have written an entirely new collection of objects to deal with other datums and coordinate systems, but I've not yet added it to all the code because I anticipate 1 week of testing and bug checking.
Currently your only option is UTM in WGS84 for projected coordinates and WGS84 EPSG:4236 for geographic coordinates.