
Could you share some details about running inference on RK3588 NPU?

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Hi guys,

I have RK3588 board, that you have used in paper as edge device to run on.

I have trained my weights using edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu , converted to ONNX , than to RKNN using rknn-toolkit 1.4

Command for export to onnx used was

python --onnx-only --weights /workspaces/rocm-ml/edgeyolo/output/train/edgeyolo_lp_2/best.pth --opset 12

However currently i am unable to use QUANTIZE_ON during onnx->rknn conversion, i have used same dataset as for validation during training , different range from 10 to 50 images, without success --> resulting rknn model always outputs bogus.
You are mentioned QUANTIZATION enabled in your paper, could you share same details about how you managed to make it work?

I am running it on RK3588 (from radxa , rock5b) my inference speed is around 11fps~

You are mentioned 32fps in your paper.

  • I am curious if you implemented multi-threaded inference on RK3588 using all 3 NPU cores by yourself? , which would be 3x11fps ?
  • Also, have you used edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu.yaml as model_cfg?

Could you please share some more details about running edge-yolo on rk3588, paper nor code here is showing some insights about running it on that edge device.

Thank you in advance~

@hlacikd, hello
I also tried to experiment with converting of EdgeYOLO from ONNX to RKNN for inference on RK3588s board by Firefly (It was on loan to me)
I converted trained on own data EdgeYOLO-Tiny 320x320 (without LReLU) to ONNX with opset 11 and converted it to RKNN in two modes: with quantize and without quantize

Then I tried to inference on images on RK3588s board using RKNNLite2 and I got wrong detections, that went out of frame

Also I tried to convert own EdgeYOLO-Tiny 320x320 to RKNN on the fly using RKNN Toolkit 2, installed on host PC, and tried to inference on images using simulator. And I got true detections in this case

In both cases, I used the same pre- and post-processing methods

So it would be nice to see recommendations here for converting EdgeYOLO to RKNN format and inferencing on Rockchip boards, given that EdgeYOLO is aimed at use in edge devices

I'm not sure if EdgeYOLO with Leaky ReLU can be correctly converted from ONNX to RKNN, since the LeakyReLU node in ONNX is available with opset 16, when RKNN Toolkit 2 requires the source model in ONNX to have an opset no higher than 12:

I'm not sure if EdgeYOLO with Leaky ReLU can be correctly converted from ONNX to RKNN, since the LeakyReLU node in ONNX is available with opset 16, when RKNN Toolkit 2 requires the source model in ONNX to have an opset no higher than 12:

hey @susanin1970 , I am using edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu on rk3588 sucessfully (without rknn quantization, it predicts bogus when quantize=on).

What happens to me tho, that once after around 1000frames i get several false detections, which is something i am fighting with rn and have no solution for that yet.

I am using rknn-toolkit2 1.4 since 1.5 is totally broken

@hlacikd, can you please tell me why rknn toolkit2 1.5.0 is totally broken

Because I was just using rknn toolkit2 version 1.5.0 in my experiments 😄

it throws this error after each inference run


@hlacikd @susanin1970
hi guys, thanks for all of your works on rk3588(rk3588s), actually it needs some adjustment while exporting onnx if you want to convert to rknn model, I've released the newest code and models for rk3588, and it reaches 55fps(orangepi5plus) for edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu, if you are still interested, please click here and see

btw, I didn't say any words about RK3588 in my paper, the edge device I use in my paper is Jetson AGX Xavier.

Hi guys,

I have RK3588 board, that you have used in paper as edge device to run on.

I have trained my weights using edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu , converted to ONNX , than to RKNN using rknn-toolkit 1.4

Command for export to onnx used was

python --onnx-only --weights /workspaces/rocm-ml/edgeyolo/output/train/edgeyolo_lp_2/best.pth --opset 12

However currently i am unable to use QUANTIZE_ON during onnx->rknn conversion, i have used same dataset as for validation during training , different range from 10 to 50 images, without success --> resulting rknn model always outputs bogus. You are mentioned QUANTIZATION enabled in your paper, could you share same details about how you managed to make it work?

I am running it on RK3588 (from radxa , rock5b) my inference speed is around 11fps~

You are mentioned 32fps in your paper.

* I am curious if you implemented multi-threaded inference on RK3588 using all 3 NPU cores by yourself? , which would be 3x11fps ?

* Also, have you used _edgeyolo_tiny_lrelu.yaml_ as model_cfg?

Could you please share some more details about running edge-yolo on rk3588, paper nor code here is showing some insights about running it on that edge device.

Thank you in advance~