It doesn't work with modules (dynamic feature modules)
eakteam opened this issue · 6 comments
I have added to class path :
classpath ("org.lsposed.lsparanoid:gradle-plugin:0.4.4")
Module build gradle file:
apply plugin: "org.lsposed.lsparanoid"
lsparanoid {
enabled = true
//includeSubprojects = true
global = true
Seems to works fine, but when i try to import the class for @Obfuscate
inside a module's kotlin file it seems to not being able to recognize the plugin. It says me to import classpath ("org.lsposed.lsparanoid:gradle-plugin:0.4.4")
to the class path, but it is currently added.
class testClass: testClassAbstract() {
It throws unresolved reference
add dependent
@vvb2060 , @yujincheng08 will this feature be available? Because most of Android project are supporting dynamic feature modules so without that support it is useless.
P.s original Paranoid works great with modules.
any example project that reproduces it?
BTW, you hv set global = true. Using annotation then is meaningless.
@yujincheng08 the project is huge. But can be reproduced in simple ways.
Create an Android project and add '@obfuscate' to the main class activity/fragment.
Add a dynamic feature module to this android project and try to add '@obfuscate' anotation to any kotlin/java class file inside that dynamic feature module.
@yujincheng08 the dynamic feature modules contains: apply plugin: ""
but i see that you have disabled the ability to obfuscate android-library
So this plugin only obfuscate app class files and not modules or library classes?
0.4.5 should work