
Time Delay Cosmography example needs illustrating!

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Hi Lynne!

I'm making wiki pages to help me present our work on the strong lens time delay metrics to the DESC collaboration at our meeting this week. Unfortunately I can't reproduce your nice results, because of the error in #10 - would you mind pasting in the accuracy, precision and fraction plots from your notebook, please? I was thinking it'd be nice to show the skymap on the left and the histogram on the right in each case - and we're only interested in the "multi" filter results, I think. What do you think? Thanks! :-)

BTW the wiki page Im talking about is this one :-)

Hi Phil,

Happy to do this for you - I'm home with sick kiddo today, but will get it done soon as possible.
Did you check if the notebook works (or not) if you do
'setup sims_maf -t sims'
and 'setup sims_maf_contrib' ?
Also, can you grab them from the URL if you put it into nbviewer?
(but yes, I'll regenerate them!)


That does it! I'll make a note to always run these commands... Thanks Lynne!

Nice wiki page :)