Content for Dark Matter Graph

kadrlica opened this issue · 3 comments

We need to assemble the content for the nodes of a dark matter graph. The initial idea is that each entry would have at least these parameters:

  • Probe - The physical parameter that is sensitive to deviations from cold, collisionless dark matter (e.g., minimum halo mass, substructure abundance, dark matter density profile, etc.)
  • Target - The astrophysical object that will be measured (e.g., Milky Way satellite galaxies, cluster strong lenses, stellar light curves, etc.)
  • Measurement - The observable that LSST will contribute to (e.g., dwarf galaxy luminosity function, gaps in stellar streams, etc.)

As an initial step, we will build this content and a Google Spreadsheet. To start, columns correspond to Probe, Target, Measurement and each row will be a unique combination. There will eventually be more information associated with each entry (e.g., sensitivity, particle physics model, etc.).

For a somewhat more complete (though still known to be incomplete) table of probes, check out the

Very nice! One DM probe missing: microlensing of stars by black holes. If much of the dark matter is composed of the population of 2-100 M_solar BHs which we now know exists, LSST will find hundreds of ~year-long microlensing events in part of the low latitude survey.

Another is weak lensing statistical (stacked) mass mapping of the population of ~100,000 dark matter dominated dwarf galaxies. Simulation shows good S/N.


should read "population of 20-100 M_s BHs"

Thanks @tonytyson. Both of these are already included in the

I'll note again that the prototype is only for the design and structure of the graphic and is explicitly incomplete in the content.