
Comments from Niel Brandt on AGN Chapter

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This is part of the SAC review of the observing strategy white paper.


(Gordon Richards adds these two small comments:

  • I've been trying to get Vishal to increase the font size in Figure 8.2 for years (indeed, in every plot he has ever made). So, it isn't likely to happen.
  • CARMA(2,1) is indeed a damped harmonic oscillator and not a DRW.

Thanks Michael - and thanks very much @nielbrandt and @gtrichards for the feedback! It's much appreciated.

@ohadshemmer @tanguita Looks like we've got some very helpful feedback here, from Niel and Gordon. Could you please take a look through it, and issue tasks to address their comments? It could be that you both could just do it, but I'm not sure - you may need the section leads to take on some of the work. Thanks!

Thanks both - I just went through Niel's feedback in the remaining parts of the chapter and either addressed them or noted them in the latex as comments, for you to address in v2. I'll leave this issue open there, with a red label so you can find it easily.