
Comments on special surveys chapter from Niel Brandt

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This is part of the SAC review of the white paper. He writes:

There is some potentially great stuff in this chapter, and it was
good to re-read it. But overall it reads as a bit of a hodgepodge
presently, and there is a lot of work to be done here.


Thanks Michael. I can't argue with @nielbrandt 's overall assessment! I'll talk to @bethwillman and @ivezic about how to address the hodgepodge nature of the chapter, and report back to this thread. I suspect we can come up with a more coherent structure now we know more about the overall timeline of the observing strategy process, and how "mini-surveys" fit in to that.

Good comments, and it shouldn't take too much work to address them.
It seems that we should make sure that the following coauthors are aware of these comments:

I see David and Lynne's changes, thanks! I added some explanatory text at the start of the chapter to mitigate hodgepodginess, and cross-referenced the twilight solar system survey with Stubbs' more general twilight observing section. I think this should pass muster now! Thanks everyone.