Not including first rows of dataset, row shifting, incorrectly annotating row as left-hand labels, whereas labels on the right are correct
Closed this issue · 4 comments
rmaarle commented
import forestplot as fp
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("review_example.csv",sep=";") # companion example data
fp.forestplot(df, # the dataframe with results data
estimate='PCSA_Men_mean', # col containing estimated effect size
ll= 'PCSA_Men_Lower', hl='PCSA_Men_Upper', # columns containing conf. int. lower and higher limits
varlabel='Abbreviation', # column containing variable label
capitalize="capitalize", # Capitalize labels
annote=["Source", "Image modality", 'Sample_size',"Method", 'Position'], # columns to report on left of plot
annoteheaders=["Ref", "Modality", 'N',"PCSA", 'Pose'], # ^corresponding headers
rightannote=['Age', 'Height', 'Weight', 'Fiber_length', 'Pennation', "Info"], # columns to report on right of plot
right_annoteheaders=['Age[y]', 'Height[cm]', 'Weight[kg]', 'Fiber_length[cm]', 'Pennation[Deg]', "Note"], #corresponding headers
groupvar= "Agegroup", # column containing group labels
group_order=["Reference","Young Adults","Adults"],
xlabel="PCSA Ratio", # x-label title
xticks=[0,30,60], # x-ticks to be printed
table=True, # Format as a table
color_alt_rows=True, # Gray alternate rows
# Additional kwargs for customizations
**{"marker": "D", # set maker symbol as diamond
"markersize": 35, # adjust marker size
"xtick_size": 12, # adjust x-ticker fontsize
#plt.savefig("plot.jpg", bbox_inches="tight")
rmaarle commented
The example code with the sleep dataset worked perfectly, however when I implemented my own dataset various mistakes arose. I hope someone has a solution for this?
LSYS commented
hi @rmaarle, thanks for raising this. I wasn't aware that duplicated variable labels (varlabel
) would create problems, which is likely the source of the problem. If you use some other unduplicated label, things should work as expected.
Minimal example:
import forestplot as fp
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("review_example.csv",sep=";") # companion example data
df = df.reset_index().astype({"index": str})
fp.forestplot(df, # the dataframe with results data
estimate='PCSA_Men_mean', # col containing estimated effect size
ll= 'PCSA_Men_Lower', hl='PCSA_Men_Upper', # columns containing conf. int. lower and higher limits
Your case (main change is varlabel=index
import forestplot as fp
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("review_example.csv",sep=";") # companion example data
df = df.reset_index().astype({"index": str})
fp.forestplot(df, # the dataframe with results data
estimate='PCSA_Men_mean', # col containing estimated effect size
ll= 'PCSA_Men_Lower', hl='PCSA_Men_Upper', # columns containing conf. int. lower and higher limits
varlabel='index', # column containing variable label
capitalize="capitalize", # Capitalize labels
annote=["Source", "Image modality", 'Sample_size',"Method", 'Position'], # columns to report on left of plot
annoteheaders=["Ref", "Modality", 'N',"PCSA", 'Pose'], # ^corresponding headers
rightannote=['Age', 'Height', 'Weight', 'Fiber_length', 'Pennation',], # columns to report on right of plot
right_annoteheaders=['Age[y]', 'Height[cm]', 'Weight[kg]', 'Fiber_length[cm]', 'Pennation[Deg]'], #corresponding headers
groupvar= "Agegroup", # column containing group labels
group_order=["Reference","Young Adults","Adults"],
xlabel="PCSA Ratio", # x-label title
xticks=[0,30,60], # x-ticks to be printed
table=True, # Format as a table
color_alt_rows=True, # Gray alternate rows
# Additional kwargs for customizations
**{"marker": "D", # set maker symbol as diamond
"markersize": 35, # adjust marker size
"xtick_size": 12, # adjust x-ticker fontsize
LSYS commented
Your use case may find the future release (WIP) with grouped labels useful. The duplicated variable labels you were using were really groups. See #59 for an example.
LSYS commented
The next release will also warn about duplicated labels in the readme.