
problem with train/eval

SepehrAminiAfshar opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi. I'm trying to run the project and produce the results myself. But I keep getting this error on train/eval commands.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/", line 292, in
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/", line 158, in main
metric, dataset_splits = load_dataset(
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/utils/", line 181, in load_dataset
sparc_dataset_splits = prepare_splits(
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/utils/", line 346, in prepare_splits
train_split = _prepare_train_split(
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/utils/", line 261, in _prepare_train_split
relation_matrix_l = preprocess_by_dataset(
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/preprocess/", line 14, in preprocess_by_dataset
_, relations = preprocessing_lgerels2t5rels_changeOrder(data_base_dir, dataset_name, t5_processed, mode, edge_type, use_coref, use_dependency)
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/preprocess/", line 476, in preprocessing_lgerels2t5rels_changeOrder
match_table_and_column(dataset_lgesql, table_lgesql, t5_tokenizer)
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/preprocess/", line 136, in match_table_and_column
raise e
File "/content/rasat/seq2seq/preprocess/", line 133, in match_table_and_column
lge_table = table_lgesql[db_name]['table_names']
KeyError: 'sqlite_sequence:name,seq'

Does anybody have a solution?
If you have a working notebook that works just fine on train/eval commands, It would be kind of you to share it.

Thank you