
Do cancel schedule

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Do cancel schedule

Read triggers first.

I'd like to contribute to this issue. What would you like done?
(My first attemp at an opensource issue).

Hi, since Will hasn't replied, This one is basically implementing the delete button in the visits table on the middle right of the user interface(Right click the row will show). Since delete(sql command) cannot be implemented directly on view(table that only shows the content). Triggers must be amended so that the effect on view could be passed on to its host. Or there might be another way around.

should look roughly like the following code and should be added directly on trigger
(Still having some issues with the code)

create trigger tr_visit_summary_InsteadOfDelete
on visit_summary
instead of delete
declare vid = int
select vid = vist.vid
from visit
join deleted.vid
on deleted.vid = visit.vid

