Are wildcards supported when you subscribe to a topic?
russellgsystems opened this issue · 5 comments
For example can I subscribe to a topic called topic1/#? where # is the wildcard. If not can you please point me to where I might need to change the code to support it?
Hi @russellgsystems ,
There is partial support for wildcards.
The example you displayed is supported. The hash tag is a wildcard that can also be used with more complex level filters. Not all those are currently supported, for example topic1/#/state. At the moment, the hashtag must be at the end of the topic hierarchy.
The + wildcard support is not done at all, if I remember correctly.
I'm on vacation and don't have access to the code, but there is a subscription class that depends on a topicFilter class. That's where you'll want to poke into is you need to expand the feature...
Hello @francois-normandin,
Thanks for the quick response. That is great news! Currently I plan to use the wildcard at the end of the topic hierarchy so we should be good for now.
Have a great vacation!
Thanks again,
You're right. It's the + that can be at any level.