NetLicensing Demo: Class not found error
r-brown opened this issue · 4 comments
After adding NetLicensing dependency to the pom.xml
I'm getting following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/glassfish/jersey/client/ClientConfig
at com.labs64.netlicensing.provider.RestProviderJersey.getClient(
at com.labs64.netlicensing.provider.RestProviderJersey.getTarget(
at com.labs64.netlicensing.service.NetLicensingService.request(
at com.labs64.netlicensing.service.NetLicensingService.delete(
at com.labs64.netlicensing.service.ProductService.delete(
at com.labs64.netlicensing.demo.NetLicensingClientDemo.main(
Using netlicensing-client
dependency in IDE
Usually, your IDE (Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA) is able to resolve all transitive dependencies of netlicensing-client
Therefore all needed 3pp libraries and classes will be available in the classpath.
Using netlicensing-client
dependency with Maven and CLI
Here is a step by step guideline on how to run NetLicensing Demo.
- Java 1.7 or higher
- Maven 3
1. Download NetLicensing Demo source code
Open NetLicensing releases and download latest released version.
2. Open project
Extract ZIP file and navigate to the NetLicensingClient-java/NetLicensingClient-demo
3. Prepare demo module
In order to isolate demo module from the parent maven module, please modify pom.xml
- add
dependency - remove parent module relationship
You can use following POM file as an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Labs64 :: NetLicensing :: Client :: Demo</name>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
4. Run demo
Execute following command:
$ mvn clean package
$ java -jar target/netlicensing-client-demo.jar
... execution log will be print in the stdout
Download prepackaged version from
1. Download artefacts
Download NetLicensing Demo packaged version ( netlicensing-client-demo-x.y.z.jar
) from (use latest release version)
for example
$ wget
2. Run demo
Navigate to the download folder and execute the following command:
$ java -jar netlicensing-client-demo-x.y.z.jar
for instance
$ java -jar netlicensing-client-demo-2.3.8.jar
The Issue cannot be reproduced anymore => close