
Comand "composer start" is not defined

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I did the clone of the project I run composer install and after I run composer start
then the response the error Command "start" is not defined.
project RestPkiPhpClient.

Hello Dimitri!

As you said, the project that you are trying to execute using composer start is called RestPkiPhpClient, right? This project is our client library, it is not a web application.

To confirm that, which of the following projects are you trying to run?

  • RestPkiPhpClient (link)
  • Sample Project for PHP (link)

Hello Ismael,

I did a clone from
and follow the flow that was written on
But not worked.

I work on a Brazilian public company and we would like to do a test on your tool

if you can, add me on hangout


This is the wrong repository. The repo RestPkiPhpClient is our client library published on Packagist, and should not work with composer start. The repository that uses this library is PkiSuiteSamples.

You should clone from This is our samples repository in different languages. The PHP sample project is located on <root>/php/plain folder.

At the project's root folder, you should run that commands: composer install and composer start to run the application.

In the case you need help, I'm adding you on Hangouts.