A comprehensive collection of TacO Markers and Trails by Lady Elyssa suitable for use with GW2 TacO and Blish HUD.
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map completion EOD
#35 opened by gartkb - 1
HOT completion
#34 opened by gartkb - 26
New map complete placeholder
#33 opened by gartkb - 19
world complete notes
#31 opened by gartkb - 1
Trail color guide?
#32 opened by jgentil - 5
Suggestion on yellow heart completion trails
#21 opened by gartkb - 5
#20 opened by gartkb - 5
Unset Variable in Heart Code
#22 opened by execpanda - 9
Failed to load pack.lua
#23 opened by execpanda - 4
some notes from latest WC
#17 opened by gartkb - 3
No clipboard WP after end of trail in FGS
#16 opened by gartkb - 3
Waypoint only path not displaying
#14 opened by kposs - 1