
Cant import automatone to my project

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d4annn commented

Im trying to import automatone to my minecraft mod but i cant find any way to do it.
modImplementation urlFile("src/lib/automatone-0.9.1", 'automatone-0.9.1', "1.20.1") <-- i implement it in this way

this is the method:
def urlFile = { url, name, version -> File file = new File("$rootDir/lib/${name}-${version}.jar") file.parentFile.mkdirs() if (!file.exists()) { new URL(url).withInputStream { downloadStream -> file.withOutputStream { fileOut -> fileOut << downloadStream } } } return [name: name, version: version] }

Uuuh, yeah I guess that's on me for not giving instructions. You should first add our repository to your repositories section in build.gradle (create it if it does not exist) :

repositories {
        maven { repo ->
   = "Ladysnake Mods"

then add it to your dependencies :


However, note that the latest version is not for 1.20.1 yet.