
Request: Option to skip intro/tutorial in OoE

rifflesby opened this issue · 1 comments

Stoked to see that you're still adding stuff to this, I love this trilogy of games & this rando is excellent. My request is not particularly important in the grand scheme of things, but jeez OoE's intro cutscene/tutorial is a huge number of text boxes to wade through... plus, with the text mangler turned on, you lose Barlowe's instructions in the tutorial -- I had to go look up what he was expecting me to do before I could get out of the room :P

You can skip whole chunks of text with the Start button. Barlowe's tutorial is simple:

(skip text)
Grab a glyph
(skip text)
Smack Barlowe three times with X and/or Y
(blah text)
Smack him again with Up-X/Y
(more text, I think)
Next room
(shut him up quick)
Four skeletons, beat 'em up with all your juicy might
(this might be texty)
Next room
(blah blah blah, lip service lip service)
Get outta there