
An add-on for Blockland that logs all of the players that you encounter online.

MIT LicenseMIT


This add-on logs the players that you meet in-game within Blockland. Various information is recorded about these players such as their name history and when you last saw them.

You can find the log files in: config/client/logs/idlog in the game's directory.

Development Notice

This add-on has not been updated or maintained since 2016. As a result, several features no-longer work, including the GUI.

The original goal of this project was to provide a decentralized alternative to the RTB ID lookup website. Multiple alternatives to the ID lookup site now exist, available at these sites:

This project has been archived as of March 21, 2019. The code is freely available for use under the MIT license.


  • Records name changes of players. (Also logs when each change was first seen)
  • Keeps track of the highest ID you've seen.
  • Allows you to search for players by name.

Console Commands

echo($IDLogger::HighestID); - Shows the highest recorded ID

$IDLogger::NoExport = 1; - Disables automatic exporting

echo(getFileCount("config/client/logs/idlog/ids/*")); - Shows the total number of players that you have logged (Only counts exported IDs)

echo(IDLogger_getTotalNameChanges()-getFileCount("config/client/logs/idlog/names/*")); - Shows the total number of name changes that you have logged (Only counts exported IDs)

IDLogger_Search("NAME"); - Searches the log files for the specified name. The name does not need to be complete or case-sensitive. It will show all matches in the console when the search is finished.

IDLogger_ViewStats("ID"); - Shows information about the specified ID.

IDLogger_ViewNameHistory("ID"); - Shows the name history for the specified ID.