
Property 'anime' does not exist on type 'JakanMisc'.

Closed this issue · 3 comments


It weirdly says the error for some reason... it's actually just the example usage tho.
What did i miss?

Hey, it seems that most editors have a hard time figuring out the return type with this builder pattern.

You can circumvent this by specifying the client type in the withXXXX methods, like this:

import { Jakan, JakanSearch } from "jakan"

const api = new Jakan().forSearch().withMemory<JakanSearch>()


Your editor should now understand that api is of type JakanSearch.
This also applies to withWebStorage, withMemory and withRedis.

You can also import and use JakanUsers and JakanMisc as types.

I'm still trying to figure a way to make this detection automatic. If anyone has a good suggestion on how to achieve this (without having to use different methods for each builder type), please let me know :)

Just for a quick explanation:
I didn't want to, but i will need to change the API for the Jakan class in 1.0.0.
However, this will make it possible to avoid complex Typescript-only assertions.

This will only be available when 1.0.0 is out in the NPM registry. I still want to finish JakanMisc #5 before this.

Closed by #9