basic package install format with example icon install
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I would be very interested in hearing what we think about deployent of the icons, perhaps we could look to the other projects out there that have done this sort of thing already.
or something like it:
scriptable icon installation
iconutil -c lamden_logo_sized ~/.lamden/lamden.iconset
Creates a custom icon for keepass database files (*.kdb)
# grep kdb /usr/share/mime/globs | egrep -o '.+\/[^:]+' | tr '/' '-'
application-x-keepass ;# rename your icon according to this output
xdg-icon-resource install --size 128 --context mimetypes application-x-keepass.png
echo 'application/x-lamden' >> /etc/mime.types
cp ./install/application-x-hwp.svg /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/mimetypes
mkdir $HOME/.icons
mkdir $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons
mkdir /usr/share/pixmaps
cp $basedir/hicolor/48x48/apps
It might be the case that we could break this out into a separate repo for the deployment and packaging aspects of the UI/UX and file structure saving.
That would be cool. I know for Mac and iOS, the icon sets are embedded in the .app executable file. Here's where the Keybase icon is stored when you 'Show Package Contents' on the executable on Mac.
I'm not sure how the icon system works for archives and file types that take 'default' applications such as Archive Manager or Keka where the default app assigns an icon to the file type. That being said, we can probably generate a simple automation script, package it as a desktop app, then assign an icon to it and that application would just serve as a launcher to Saffron or whatever we're trying to do.
ah yeah electron very good point