
[Bug] Case-sensitive headers

uniibu opened this issue · 1 comments

When you set a header on the Request tab with something like X-Custom-Token and the client requests with a header of either X-Custom-Token or x-custom-token, Mockman will not recognize any of those. Check the postman screenshot below.
Capitalized first letter header
Lower-cased header

As according to the official specs rfc7231

3.2.  Header Fields
   Each header field consists of a case-insensitive field name followed
   by a colon (":"), optional leading whitespace, the field value, and
   optional trailing whitespace.

Therefor, Mockman should accept valid header fields regardless of its letter-case.

Mockman accepts case-insensitive headers only if the header on the Request is set to all lower-case.

Thanks for the issue, the problem has been solved in the new 1.0.2 version

Details : code