Where to get referenced Windows Assembly?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I would like to try this demo project but I'm wondering where to get the "Windows.Data.Pdf" [...] you are referencing???
I have the same problem, missing assemblies:
using Windows.Data.Pdf;
using Windows.Storage;
using Windows.Storage.Streams;
On his blog post:
[Creating a PDF Viewer in WPF using Windows 10 APIs](https://blogs.u2u.be/lander/post/2018/01/23/Creating-a-PDF-Viewer-in-WPF-using-Windows-10-APIs)
Lander Verhack writes:
Luckily, in UWP, there is the simple but effective PDFDocument API(Windows.Data.Pdf). That makes rendering a PDF a walk in the park. So let's use that API in our WPF application.
Maybe VS did not detect the project type correctly on opening? I'm using VS 2022 Professional 64-bit Version 17.6.3