
Error message Something went wrong, try again!

BenjaminKobjolke opened this issue · 2 comments


I have an en.json with only 4 values:

	"colors": "Colors",
	"compact_answer_mode": "Compact answer mode",
	"true": "true",
	"false": "false"

My langsync.yaml looks like this:

source: "./en.json"

output: "./"

target: [de]

languageLocalizationMaxDelay: 200

I run langsync start and get the following output

 langsync start
Localizing process starting..
✓ Your langsync.yaml file and configuration are valid. (25ms)
.    Saving your source file at ./en.json..... (1.1s)

✗ Something went wrong, try again! (1.2s)

I am using windows 11
langsync --version

Hello there,
A new fix and version (1.0.0) have been deployed, could you give it a try now? to install it just run:

dart pub global activate langsync

it will reinstall the latest version, so you can work with it.

if you have any other requests or issues, please let us know.
Thank you!

Another thing is that you need to authenticate LangSync CLI with your account API key, you can get your own from LangSync Dashboard, then use that key to authenticate by running the command:

langsync auth --api-key=<YOUR_API_KEY>

Now you can process with starting a localization process.

To Note: The tool is still free to use at this point, I would appreciate it if you could give it some time to try it as needed and provide me with some feedback to improve it.

Thank you again!