
This tool provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words. These representations can be subsequently used in many natural language processing applications and for further research.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This code is forked from https://github.com/dav/word2vec Original code from https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/

We copied it int the LanguageMachines Git repository to be able to adapt it to our needs

This tool provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words. These representations can be subsequently used in many natural language processing applications and for further research.

Tools for computing distributed representtion of words

We provide an implementation of the Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) and the Skip-gram model (SG), as well as several demo scripts.

Given a text corpus, the word2vec tool learns a vector for every word in the vocabulary using the Continuous Bag-of-Words or the Skip-Gram neural network architectures. The user should to specify the following:

  • desired vector dimensionality
  • the size of the context window for either the Skip-Gram or the Continuous Bag-of-Words model
  • training algorithm: hierarchical softmax and / or negative sampling
  • threshold for downsampling the frequent words
  • number of threads to use
  • the format of the output word vector file (text or binary)

Usually, the other hyper-parameters such as the learning rate do not need to be tuned for different training sets.

The script demo-word.sh downloads a small (100MB) text corpus from the web, and trains a small word vector model. After the training is finished, the user can interactively explore the similarity of the words.

More information about the scripts is provided at https://code.google.com/p/word2vec/