
Italian Digital Citizenship APIs README

cloudify opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @LappleApple ,

one of the projects of the Italian Digital Transformation Team is to build a set of API that will be used by government agencies as the foundation for their digital services.

We're currently working on the first iteration of these APIs that will provide:

  • a communication interface for sending messages to citizens through several digital channels (initially e-mail and SMS)
  • a repository of user preferences that citizens can set and that services can read to deliver personalized experiences to the citizens

This is the main repository of the APIs code, with the README (the audience is toward contributors and service developers).

Thanks in advance for the feedback! ❤️

Hi -- I took a quick look and suggest making a dedicated docs page for this information, then keeping the README lightweight by using this template ( or a similar one to cover high-level, basic info.

Heya, closing this as the project's now archived.