
Target class [PageController] does not exist.

vonsogt opened this issue · 4 comments

Bug report

What I did:

After installed until the "Example front-end" then I try to add the route in routes/backpack/custom.php and I tried to make a new page and accessing it and show that error

What I expected to happen:

The Page will created from admin

What happened:

I got this error:
Target class [PageController] does not exist.

What I've already tried to fix it:

Recreate the routes and test in web.php too

Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version:

Backpack : 4.x.x
Laravel: 6.x.x
PHP : 7.2.x
DB : mysql

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Fixed by changing the controller at routes:

Route::get('{page}/{subs?}', ['uses' => 'PageController@index'])
    ->where(['page' => '^(((?=(?!admin))(?=(?!\/)).))*$', 'subs' => '.*']);


Route::get('{page}/{subs?}', ['uses' => '\App\Http\Controllers\PageController@index'])
    ->where(['page' => '^(((?=(?!admin))(?=(?!\/)).))*$', 'subs' => '.*']);

Thank you @vonsogt . I've just changed the README file to reflect your change. That's indeed better in most use cases. Cheers!

thank you verrymuch