
Trait 'App\PageTemplates' not found

hlsamuels opened this issue · 8 comments

Bug report

What I did: Ran "composer require backpack/pagemanager"

What I expected to happen: Successful installation of PageManager

What happened: Got the following error:

"In PageCrudController.php line 17:
Trait 'App\PageTemplates' not found "

What I've already tried to fix it:

Adjusting the namespace declaration in PageTemplates fixes it - not permanent, obviously :)

Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version:

Backpack 4, Laravel 6, PHP 7.2.19

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How/where did you adjust ?

Can someone please post the correct namespace value? This is driving me crazy

I went back through and did the page templates and I finally got the error to go away. The with the PageTemplate file creates it works fine.

i had to manualy copy the file in app folder.

Indeed, in Backpack v4 the installation process for PageManager has changed: the very first step is creating the App\PageTemplates.php file in your app. The docs in the README mention this.

I think I found why you guys did not do this - I forgot to also update the docs here. That's what you guys must have used. I've just updated the docs there too, hopefully people won't run into this anymore.

TO SOLVE THIS: Please create a PageTemplates file in your app folder:


namespace App;

trait PageTemplates
    | Page Templates for Backpack\PageManager
    | Each page template has its own method, that define what fields should show up using the Backpack\CRUD API.
    | Use snake_case for naming and PageManager will make sure it looks pretty in the create/update form
    | template dropdown.
    | Any fields defined here will show up after the standard page fields:
    | - select template
    | - page name (only seen by admins)
    | - page title
    | - page slug

    private function services()
        $this->crud->addField([   // CustomHTML
                        'name' => 'metas_separator',
                        'type' => 'custom_html',
                        'value' => '<br><h2>'.trans('backpack::pagemanager.metas').'</h2><hr>',
                        'name' => 'meta_title',
                        'label' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.meta_title'),
                        'fake' => true,
                        'store_in' => 'extras',
                        'name' => 'meta_description',
                        'label' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.meta_description'),
                        'fake' => true,
                        'store_in' => 'extras',
                        'name' => 'meta_keywords',
                        'type' => 'textarea',
                        'label' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.meta_keywords'),
                        'fake' => true,
                        'store_in' => 'extras',
        $this->crud->addField([   // CustomHTML
                        'name' => 'content_separator',
                        'type' => 'custom_html',
                        'value' => '<br><h2>'.trans('backpack::pagemanager.content').'</h2><hr>',
                        'name' => 'content',
                        'label' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.content'),
                        'type' => 'wysiwyg',
                        'placeholder' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.content_placeholder'),

    private function about_us()
                        'name' => 'content',
                        'label' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.content'),
                        'type' => 'wysiwyg',
                        'placeholder' => trans('backpack::pagemanager.content_placeholder'),

PS. Sorry for the mishap, and thanks for raising the issue @hlsamuels .

Thank you @tabacitu !