
Unable to add or update languages

ezeveliz opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Lang Publisher Version: 11.1.4
  • Lang Lang Version: 10.1.11
  • Laravel Version: 8.74.0
  • PHP Version: 8.1.0


Upon trying to add a language, the following legend shows: "Could not find plugins available for processing". The same occurs when using lang:update(I had the assets from a previous version).

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Attempt to install a language or update a previous one

Sorry, there was a collision. I'll fix it now :)

Thx for the quick reply!

Version 11.1.5 has been released.

Let me remind you that since version 11.0, the publisher does not require laravel-lang/lang package by default.

For it to work, you need to install the package manually:

composer require laravel-lang/publisher laravel-lang/lang --dev