
[V11] Remove keys and empty files

mohamedsabil83 opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Lang Publisher Version: 11.1.6
  • Laravel Version: 8.74
  • PHP Version: 8.0


I'm using Arabic locale. After upgrading to v11.1.6 from v10:

  • When run php artisan lang:update the following keys deleted from the validation file (accepted_if, declined, declined_if, prohibits). Also, the attributes array became empty.

  • When adding any locale, e.g. fr, the package publishes the files with an empty array as content.

Fixed in the 11.1.7 version.

Thank you!

Thank you for the quick fix.

I forgot to say that some phrases were removed from the json file like some shown in the image. Is it a bug or a new approach when publishing locales?

Screenshot from 2021-12-07 02-10-43

You're welcome!

The removed translations are specific to Laravel Nova.

For example,


If it is not installed in the project, then these keys will not be installed in the application.

If your application uses many of the keys to be installed, then you can create a new package using this template and specify everything you need in it.

Or, for example, copy the Nova files into it ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I see. It's ok with me just asking to be sure if that just the reason.

Thank u again for your hard work 👍🏽