
Is LaravelCollective/SSH package up to date?

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I am noticing some differences between and the LaravelCollective SSH2.php. I don't have problems connecting via SSH to vps and linux systems but when trying to connect to legacy systems that require HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss in the /etc/ssh_config I get the error:

ErrorException: Unable to fulfill channel request in /usr/share/optico2/vendor/phpseclib/phpseclib/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php:3741

I do not want to hack the library to try to identify and fix the problem so are there any suggestions?

👍 I'm wondering as well. Does it work on 5.7 (latest laravel version)?

@gabrielfigueroa @simplenotezy I am using it on laravel 5.8 and it's working just fine. visit 3365cb0 for more info.