
Larastarters CoreUI

boedyirh opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to install Larastarters CoreUI. It is installed correctly. But it seems there is problem
Replacing public/js/coreui.bundle.min.js version 4.0.5
with the original file from version 4.2.3

solve the problem

krekas commented

@boedyirh can you make a PR with the fix?


krekas commented

@boedyirh wait, for you didn't work sidebar toggle button? Because for me it works just fine.

@PovilasKorop nevertheless we can upgrade it with pr #113

I am not sure about this, It didn't work in my computer. the burger icon doesnot show and hide side navigation bar. But after upgrade coreui.min.js to the latest version. It works fine.

@boedyirh ok I've merged the PR, thanks for contribution!