shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons
Gerardlc opened this issue · 1 comments
Gerardlc commented
Almost on every server "shell_exec" it's disabled.
this error is triggered here:
at vendor/laraveldaily/larastarters/src/Console/InstallCommand.php:58
54▕ );
56▕ // Install breeze
57▕ $this->requireComposerPackages('laravel/breeze:^1.4');
➜ 58▕ shell_exec('php artisan breeze:install');
60▕ file_put_contents(
61▕ base_path('routes/web.php'),
62▕ file_get_contents(DIR . '/../../resources/stubs/routes.stub')
Any workaround?
PovilasKorop commented
@Gerardlc this package is not supposed to be run on the SERVER, it should be with --dev
on your local machine.