
Password Authentication

seristee opened this issue · 5 comments

I absolutely love your work and follow you on YouTube. My issue is when I create a new user on the registration page i get directed to the dashboard, however when i logout and try to log back in with the same password just created, it does not authenticate. I have to hash a password with Hash::make() then manually add it to the database for me to get authenticated.

Hi @seristee ,
Witch theme you are using? Authentication logic is done using breeze or UI. No controllers touched by this package

I'm using the Breeze/windmill theme.

Everything works fine for me. When registered password is hashed and I can log in with that user.

@seristee we fail to reproduce the issue, can you maybe shoot a screencast, or some other step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce?

I've made a lot of demos based on Larastarters and it didn't fail for me in the way you're describing. Maybe you changed something in the code manually?

i created a fresh install and now it seem to work . Sorry for the trouble.