
ErrorException while initiating the command: php artisan larastarters:install

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This error was encountered on a fresh Laravel 8 installation.


Undefined property: LaravelDaily\Larastarters\Console\InstallCommand::$components

at vendor/laraveldaily/larastarters/src/Console/InstallCommand.php:53
49▕ public function handle()
50▕ {
51▕ $this->php_version = $this->option('php_version');
➜ 53▕ $kit = $this->components->choice(
54▕ 'Which Laravel starter kit you want to use?',
55▕ ['Laravel Breeze (Tailwind)', 'Laravel Breeze & Inertia (Tailwind)', 'Laravel UI (Bootstrap)'],
56▕ 0
57▕ );

  +14 vendor frames 

15 artisan:37
Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))`

@smartnathan this package wouldn't work with Laravel 8, because it's adopted the latest Laravel 9 changes with Vite server.

Good point, I need to add it to Readme instructions.