
Image links are all broken

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Excellent project. I have installed it in localhost. But image not working. all image links are broken. is there a solution?

@rigunbd php artisan storage:link

Still all images links are broken
images generated links are like : http://localhost/storage/1/1.jpg

And it is broken

I too facing the image link broken issue. Can you please suggest any robust solution. I saw speaker controller store function it says
$speaker->addMedia(storage_path('tmp/uploads/' . $request->input('photo')))->toMediaCollection('photo');

when I saw the folder its empty

Excellent project. I have installed it in localhost. But image not working. all image links are broken. is there a solution?

they forgot to add one final step --> php artisan storage:link , after this all the images will show up

After running the command php artisan storage:link. the same problem will remain to happen. can you have any solution, please?

@Sourajit-Maity if you are using php artisan server the image will not load as a result of image is refrencing http://localhost/ but php artisan server will load your site from you may need to set a virtual host

hi I am facing the same issue images are not displaying any help ???

php artisan storage:link
in .env file to match with your project's URL, for example: