tests passed on local but not on the GH actions
ilyes-msr opened this issue · 1 comments
ilyes-msr commented
I'm getting this error when I open the PR
Run composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress --prefer-dist
composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress --prefer-dist
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.
Error: Process completed with exit code 2.
Although I have run composer update and composer install
can anyone tell me what should I do?
NarimanGardi commented
After cloning the repo run this command
composer update --no-scripts
this will install all required packages and you wont have any error while making a PR.