
Class "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver" not found

raimondsL opened this issue · 4 comments

Task 9:

Class "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver" not found

composer require doctrine/dbal

You can add its install manually, by editing .github/workflows/laravel.yml

- name: Install Dependencies
      run: composer install -q --no-ansi --no-interaction --no-scripts --no-progress --prefer-dist

Add this

- name: Install Doctrine
    run: composer require doctrine/dbal

This will help you pass the tests.

For those wondering, this is part of the solution to Task 9. Which wants you to solve the issue of renaming columns, and the solution for that is documented in the documentation.

If you are running a database installation older than one of the following releases, you should ensure that you have installed the doctrine/dbal library via the Composer package manager before renaming a column.

fhraju commented

I also have the same problem.

A new update has been made to the Laravel framework regarding renaming columns as of Laravel v9.44.0. @PovilasKorop made a video about it as well. So this is the solution pre-Laravel v9.44.0.