
Exception "Route [dashboard] not defined" throws

XristosD opened this issue · 2 comments

I am facing bellow exception when trying to reach about page although route has been set correctly :

Route [dashboard] not defined. (View: /home/xristos/tutorials/laravel-daily/test-your-skills/Test-Laravel-Routes/resources/views/layouts/navigation.blade.php)

When does Route [dashboard] should be installed? Is it a Breeze route maybe ?
I tried to install Breeze at beginning but it overwrites web.php files

How did you fix it? @XristosD

Hey, I just added the following just above the require __DIR__.'/auth.php'; line.

Route::get('/dashboard', function () {

It's not part of the test, but half of your tests fail without the named dashboard route. So may aswell add it in!