
the chart is not rendering

Closed this issue · 3 comments

the chart is not rendering, but when I use dd (chart_name) I see that the object has the data I need, I'm just not getting it to appear in the desired view.

Can anyone help me with this problem?

Using version
laraveldaily / laravel-charts ^ 0.1.25
laravel 8.12


  1. do you have any errors in storage/logs/laravel.log or in the browser console?
  2. What are the parameters of your LaravelChart call, can you provide a full list of parameters?


I don't know why but before it was like this it didn't render

`@section ('javascript')

{!! $ chart1-> renderChartJsLibrary () !!}
{!! $ chart1-> renderJs () !!}


when I put it in my content section it rendered

`@section ('content')

     <h1> {{$ chart1-> options ['chart_title']}} </h1>
      {!! $ chart1-> renderHtml () !!}

{!! $ chart1-> renderChartJsLibrary () !!}
{!! $ chart1-> renderJs () !!}

@ynroot it depends on where your "javascript" section is, maybe you don't even have it?

But if it works for you now, please close the issue.