
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType'

Closed this issue · 5 comments

@wilson1yan It didn't work. More samples are needed including language and vision version.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jiapeiyang/anaconda3/envs/nlp/lib/python3.9/", line 197, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/home/jiapeiyang/anaconda3/envs/nlp/lib/python3.9/", line 87, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/lwm/", line 18, in
from lwm.vision_llama import VideoLLaMAConfig, FlaxVideoLLaMAForCausalLM
File "/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/lwm/", line 21, in
from lwm.llama import LLaMAConfig, LLAMA_STANDARD_CONFIGS, FlaxLLaMABlockCollection, RMSNorm
File "/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/lwm/", line 31, in
from lwm.ring_attention import blockwise_ffn, ring_flash_attention_tpu,
File "/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/lwm/", line 557, in
class BlockSizes:
File "/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/lwm/", line 563, in BlockSizes
block_q_major_dkv: int | None = None
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType'

export llama_tokenizer_path="/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/models/LWM-Chat-32K-Jax/tokenizer.model"
export vqgan_checkpoint="/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/models/LWM-Chat-32K-Jax/vqgan"
export lwm_checkpoint="/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/models/LWM-Chat-32K-Jax/params"
export input_file="/home/jiapeiyang/workspace/LWM/models/LWM-Chat-32K-Jax/test_a.jpg"

python3 -u -m lwm.vision_chat
--prompt="What is the video about?"
2>&1 | tee ~/output.log


--prompt="What is the video about?" ---> --prompt="What is the image about?"

--mesh_dim='!1,1,8,1' removed

@jackyin68 thanks
tried video and image both before, not work. removed --mesh_dim, same issue~

This looks like a python version incompatability - what version are you using? It should be 3.10 (see conda env instructions)

This looks like a python version incompatability - what version are you using? It should be 3.10 (see conda env instructions)

python version: 3.9.13
I will try it with python 3.10. Thanks