Ruby.wasm quickstart - WASI GEM Example

For the rest of us

Ruby.wasm lets you run the Ruby Programming Language in the Browser using Webassembly. This projects makes it easier to get started with a wasm binary that included the Javascript bridge. You can also add your own gems from Rubygems into the webassembly file or use ruby code files on your website.


how to build (with compiling)

you will need

  • gcc and others
  • rust
  • cargo
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd ruby.wasm-quickstart
ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8080


  • If you want to add something to your gemfile, you will need to recompile the wasm file (1 second).
  • You can add ruby files into ruby-app.wasm by changing the command. for instance a src directory.
  • bundle exec rbwasm --dir ./src::/src --log-level debug build --ruby-version 3.3 --target wasm32-unknown-wasi --build-profile full -o ruby-app.wasm
  • If you want to load ruby files via the network, use run-code.html as a template. You can add require_relative after the module block to load any files. I will provide a simpler example later.
  • see releases for prebuilt ruby-app.wasm


  • explain how to add code outside gems to the image
  • show how to shrink/compress the ruby.wasm file (currently 51MB with debug info, but can be about 10mb or less.)
  • license + explanation
  • ask upstream if they can make a javascript file that doesnt have the .wasm file path hardcoded.
  • docker file
  • upload release
  • figure out how to get better errormessages in the console (which JS:Object)
  • Cast some values automatically to numbers
  • github website with example


GPT to convert JavaScript to Ruby code:

ChatGPT - Ruby.wasm JavaScript Helper