
Please publish the latest version on elm packages

Clindbergh opened this issue · 4 comments

The master branch version uses Fontawesome v5.12 but the released version on elm packages is older. Please consider publishing the latest version on the master branch.

Potentially this would also be an opportunity to upgrade to v5.14.

Thank you for the creation and publising of this library.

There is an automated build and publish, it is just run on Travis and there was apparently an issue with the build on Node 10. I'm bumping the version and seeing if it will build through now.

Edit: It didn't. I'm just going to drop support for Node 10 for now, if someone wants to fix it up, I'm happy to accept a PR (it appears to be an issue with Babel not poly-filling array.flatmap() correctly in 10).

I'd like to port it over to GitHub Actions from Travis, but it's a reasonably complex workflow and I can't dedicate the time to it right now. I'd be happy to accept a pull request (although I think it would probably be awkward to do as a PR).

Published as 5.0.0 (there was a removed icon forcing the major version change).
