
Game history and favorite combinations

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Players should be able to see their game history (either after logging in—that would require a login system—or stored locally in the browser's local storage).
Also, it'd be great if players could save some rounds as their favorites (a star/a heart symbol along with other icons in the top left, for example) and could come back to them later.

This kind of functionality would be nice. Probably would be best to build it in two stages, the history stuff with simple local storage for people who don't want to log in, then expand it to a log in system for people who'd like permanence.

This is probably not something I'm likely to tackle soon, so if someone wants to take a look at it, I'd welcome PRs.

Longer term storage and user accounts do definitely raise some questions though, it'd need to be an optional component to ensure simpler deployments still work.