
Launcher cannot continue with this account

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Security Warning

Commonly Used Password

What? Has my account been compromised?

Probably not, but this increases the risk of your account being compromised, because your current password appears at least once on a list of known, commonly-used passwords.

What should I do?

To keep your account secure we highly recommend that you go to the account management website and change your password, as well as enable two-factor authentication for your account. We also recommend you familiarize yourself with modern password practices to reduce the risk of this happening again.

Wait, so you know my password?

No! We only store a one-way hashed representation of your password, but we are able to utilize a free service from that allows us to do a partial hash match against a breached password list. CCP can not and does not share your password with anyone.

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Is there anyway to bypass this popup from CCP? It appears at login before exefile is launched