
Launcher Auth Token Invalid

Opened this issue · 3 comments

"The authentication token provided by the launcher is of an invalid format. Please try again or contact EVE customer support." -- It would seem with the new CCP launcher update, that I'm no longer able to launch using the ISB EVE launcher.

Same here... Looks like they are well aware of the issue.

"So our initial analysis indicates some changes were made to the login process that would take some time (multiple days at minimum) to duplicate and support in ISBoxer EVE Launcher. I'm not sure I have that kind of time to spend on ISBEL at the moment."

It sounds like we could be holding for a while, rip

The new launcher uses the new SSO implementation referenced here:

with the following scopes.

  • eveClientLogin

You'll receive a JWT token after authenticating properly, that should decode to something like this.

    "scp": [
    "jti": "xxxx",
    "kid": "JWT-Signature-Key",
    "sub": "USER:EVE:xxxx",
    "azp": "eveLauncherTQ",
    "name": "xxxx",
    "exp": xxxx,
    "iss": ""