
`Executor` contract doesn't support `ReceiveUln302`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In Executor.sol, the initialize function doesn't have _receiveUln302 param, but _receiveUln301.


function initialize(
address _endpoint,
address _receiveUln301,
address[] memory _messageLibs,
address _priceFeed,
address _roleAdmin,
address[] memory _admins
) external proxied initializer {
__Worker_init(_messageLibs, _priceFeed, 12000, _roleAdmin, _admins);
endpoint = _endpoint;
localEid = ILayerZeroEndpointV2(_endpoint).eid();
receiveUln301 = _receiveUln301;

Is this expected?

Now, during setup (as in deploying Executor), I found this code in the tests:

address[] memory libs = new address[](3);
libs[0] = sendUln301;
libs[1] = receiveUln301;
libs[2] = sendUln302;
executor.initialize(endpointV2, receiveUln301, libs, priceFeed, address(this), admins);

Here, can I include receiveUln302 in the libs?

Moreover, I can see some of the functions like onUpgrade, nativeDropAndExecute301, execute301 are dependent on receiveUln301. So, it's clear that receiveUln301 has to be set in initializer function.

I also found another file - LzExecutor.sol which seems to be a replacement for Executor.sol as it considers receiveUln302 all over. But, then it doesn't have functions - assignJob, getFee.

Can anyone clear my doubts?