
Message delivery fail on Japan Open Chain Testnet

Closed this issue · 1 comments


  • Hi Layerzero team, I'm a Japan Open Chain network developer. I'm testing on the Layerzero-v2 contract and found issues related to message coming into Japan Open Chain testnet.

Current Behavior

Expected Behavior

  • Message coming into Japan Open Chain Testnet executable with Layerzero-v2 contract

Steps to Reproduce

  1. I'm using simple OFT contract:, and deployed it at Japan Open Chain Testnet and Arbsepolia
  2. I've already setPeer at both network
│ Network     arbsep                                                           │
│ Endpoint    ARBSEP_V2_TESTNET                                                │
│ OmniAddress 0xbD9E0Bdb9D3204eBCb276453cbACc45f9288c494                       │
│ Description Setting peer for eid 40242 (JOC_V2_TESTNET) to address 0x000000  │
│             0000000000000000004d631d1C20D9eA00f47f055e44e9eDe00a44B6af       │
│ Data        0x3400288b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  │
│             00000009d320000000000000000000000004d631d1c20d9ea00f47f055e44e9  │
│             ede00a44b6af                                                     │
│ Value       -                                                                │
│ Gas Limit   -                                                                │
│ Network     joct                                                             │
│ Endpoint    JOC_V2_TESTNET                                                   │
│ OmniAddress 0x4d631d1C20D9eA00f47f055e44e9eDe00a44B6af                       │
│ Description Setting peer for eid 40231 (ARBSEP_V2_TESTNET) to address 0x000  │
│             000000000000000000000bD9E0Bdb9D3204eBCb276453cbACc45f9288c494    │
│ Data        0x3400288b00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  │
│             00000009d27000000000000000000000000bd9e0bdb9d3204ebcb276453cbac  │
│             c45f9288c494                                                     │
│ Value       -                                                                │
│ Gas Limit   -                                                                │
✔ Would you like to submit the required transactions? … yes
info:    Successfully sent 2 transactions
info:    ✓ Your OApp is now configured
  1. I using those scripts to test:
  2. Results:
  • Message from joct to arbsep work properly
  • Message from arbsep to joct stuck

Very thank team to check my issues.

@0xcuonghx : hi bro,
Have you successfully made the bridge between JOC and Abrsepolia?