- 2
Metabolic modelling - job still running even if error when processing one of the bins
#46 opened by chbalent - 0
Busco - extra line for "list" in results - seems to work best with one bin at a time
#45 opened by chbalent - 0
A new binner for long reads
#44 opened by chbalent - 0
- 0
- 0
Orthology output
#41 opened by chbalent - 0
- 1
- 10
Phylogeny empty alignment
#33 opened by FreBaert - 1
Quality assesment genomes parameter bug
#38 opened by FreBaert - 1
orthoANI heatmap issue
#37 opened by FreBaert - 8
Phylogeny: Error executing process > concatenation (1) (Empty sequence for GCF_genome@id)
#35 opened by SinaedaA - 1
DNA mode phylogeny
#36 opened by FreBaert - 1
heatmap.pdf with no "row.names"
#34 opened by SinaedaA - 9
Error in `levels<-`(`*tmp*`, value = as.character(levels)) : factor level [12] is duplicated
#32 opened by SinaedaA - 1
disk quota?
#31 opened by FreBaert - 8
Assembly seems stuck at Trimming step
#30 opened by FreBaert - 9
unzipping files
#29 opened by edhooge - 5
10. Annotation question
#27 opened by icleenwe - 1
New assembler for GENERA Assembly
#1 opened by Lcornet - 1
BUSCO permission
#23 opened by Lcornet - 3
- 1
- 1
GENcontams job contains typo
#24 opened by FreBaert - 10
organism parameter
#9 opened by FreBaert - 2
annotation - fastq-dump error
#19 opened by edhooge - 3
fastqdump: 'timeout exhausted' - issue
#14 opened by edhooge - 1
Add version of scripts
#4 opened by Lcornet - 1
Closest match in ANI delete duplicate assemblies
#22 opened by Lcornet - 2
file extention for orthology
#12 opened by FreBaert - 3
Genome assembly fastp command not found
#21 opened by FreBaert - 2
Genome downloader issue
#20 opened by FreBaert - 2
genome assembly - shortreadassembly doesn't work
#18 opened by edhooge - 1
species filter in Genome_dw
#5 opened by Lcornet - 1
- 5
Orthology core genes question
#15 opened by FreBaert - 1
Multi-locus Phylogeny ML
#8 opened by Lcornet - 2
Phylogeny DNA mode
#16 opened by FreBaert - 3
rep parameter for jackknife
#13 opened by FreBaert - 1
path for the assembly suite is not recognized
#11 opened by edhooge - 2
Annotation empty output
#10 opened by FreBaert - 1
Annotation file not found
#7 opened by FreBaert - 1
Error in wiki for Annotation
#6 opened by FreBaert - 20
Genome downloader isn't working
#3 opened by edhooge - 1
How to cite
#2 opened by Lcornet