
Ambassador process for registration

khoxsey opened this issue · 2 comments

We might try using the registration tablets via an ambassador service, the same as we did previously with the clipboards.

Observations from the senior center setup:

  • We had a line of patrons at 9:30am, anxious to get started
  • We were a little worried how long registration would take, so we started pre-registering people
  • Once registered, patrons worried about losing their place in line
  • Overall registration went quite quickly, we had 100 tickets in the system in a bit more than 30 minutes

There were 3 or 4 of us working registration the whole time, so it would have been easy to have one tablet at the check-in desk for volunteers and the other 3 with ambassadors working their way down the line registering people. Doing it this way would have provided a couple benefits:

  • patrons keep their place in line, reducing their anxiety
  • patrons in line see the ambassadors getting to them, reducing their anxiety
  • each tablet is under the watchful eye of one person
  • patrons do NOT see volunteers "jumping the line" and need it explained to them

Also, a number of people had trouble bending over the registration table. Being able to hold the tablet at chest level would be an improvement.

Note: we will want the tablets in cases to protect against drops. Also, we may want to put a small leash on the tablet so the ambassador can catch it when dropped.

These are fantastic suggestions! I agree!

I linked this to an issue to document the process!